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Women's Shoes & Bags


We have been producing women's shoes and bags since 2011. Our primary focus is to give premium service to our clients, offering both private-label manufacturing and our trademarked branded products.


We offer flexible options for customization, allowing our clients to curate collections that reflect their brand identity and resonate with their target audience.


Our services include; sample production suiting the needs of your collection, seasonal batch orders, and rapid repeating orders.


With our extensive experience in the industry, we have established strong relationships with resource suppliers, ensuring a smooth and efficient supply chain. We take pride in delivering orders promptly, allowing our clients to meet the demands of their customers and stay ahead in the fast-paced world of fashion.


Whether you are a boutique owner, a fashion retailer, or an e-commerce entrepreneur, partnering with us means gaining access to a diverse range of women's shoes and bags that will captivate your customers. Our commitment to exceptional quality, stunning designs, and reasonable prices will enable you to differentiate yourself in the market and create a loyal customer base.


We invite you to explore our vast collection of women's shoes and bags and witness the craftsmanship and passion that goes into each piece.

Women's baby blue chic sandal with a bowtie


Adsız (840 × 380 piksel) (1440 × 720 piksel) (1440 × 650 piksel) (1700 × 400 piksel) (2).p
Adsız (840 × 380 piksel) (1440 × 720 piksel) (1440 × 650 piksel) (1700 × 400 piksel) (3).p


Istanbul, Turkey

+90 532 237 07 57

Thank you for contacting. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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